Smithville High School

Daily Announcements

GMS/SHS Daily Announcements Green Middle School...
School will be closed Monday, January 20 for Martin Luther King Jr Day.     
SHS Yearbooks Yearbooks for THIS school year can be pre-ordered now. They will be $75. Go to and search Smithville High School to order.    

Upcoming Events


  1. GMS Wrestling Practice
  2. SHS Wrestling Practice
  3. SHS Baseball Open Field
  4. SHS JV/V Boys Basketball vs. Waynedale
  5. Wayne County Spelling Bee


  1. GMS Basketball Practice
  2. GMS Cheer Practice
  3. GMS Wrestling Practice
  4. SHS Basketball Practice
  5. GMS/SHS Wrestling Norwayne Dual
  6. SHS Boys Soccer Open Field
  7. SHS Softball Open Gym

200 Smithie Drive, Smithville, Ohio 44677 | Phone: 330.669.3165 | Fax: 330.669.2069